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Stonehenge Video featuring
"Sunrise Over Stonehenge"

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Walking The Path

Released in November, 2020.
Soul Catcher Music - 20th Anniversary CD

Total Time: 01:07:38

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Walking The Path CD

Astral Journey CD

Astral Journey

Released in March 2014.
Sonic Landscapes for Visionary Awareness

Total Time: 59:55

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Released in March, 2013.
Music for Reiki, Relaxation, Meditation, and Massage.

Total Time: 51:18

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Transcendent CD

Beneath A Starry Sky

Beneath A Starry Sky

Released in February 2013.
Piano with a Touch of Ambience

Total Time: 51:09

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In The Crystal Cave

Released in March, 2011.
Music for Reiki, Relaxation, Meditation, and Massage.

Total Time: 50:24

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In The Crystal Cave CD

Circle of Time CD

Circle of Time

Melodic, beautiful, and peaceful instrumental new age music, Circle of Time is a reflection of the cycle of life and the universe. The music represents a journey from Sunrise Over Stonehenge, to the final composition, Sweet Dreams. As a listener, you can associate your own experiences, dreams and fantasies into a unique experience that is solely your own. The music will guide you and can be enjoyed in meditation as well as background. It will warm the heart and guide you on your own special journey through time.

Journey Time: 51:18

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Soul Catcher

Soul Catcher is a Native Heart collection of beautifully recorded electronic and acoustic instrumental compositions. The selections are ambient, ethereal and introspective, and take the listener on a soul journey creating a personal environment of visionary awareness and cultural expression...a sonic voyage of reflection, vision, and inner exploration.

Total Time: 50:47

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Soul Catcher CD

Angel Hair CD

Angel Hair

Angel Hair is perfect for relaxation and meditation. The compositions are lengthy for uninterrupted contemplation and thoughtful reminiscence. The music is quiet, gentle, and well suited for infants, children and adults alike. Draw a warm bath, add bubbles, turn off the lights and light a scented candle. Lose deserve it.

Total Time: 50:15

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Distant Voices, Echoes In Time

Distant Voices, Echoes In Time is a collection of solo Native American flute improvisations. There are no other instruments, no sounds from nature, no chanting, no drumming...just the flute echoing off rock canyon walls and reminding us that at one time life was different, the inhabitants lead simpler lives, and nature and spirit were an ever-present aspect of those lives. Experience your native heart.

Total Time: 50:12

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Distant Voices, Echoes In Time CD

Tara CD


Tara reflects the essence of eastern influences utilizing electronic textures and sound reminiscent of cultural and traditional music. The compositions are improvisatory in nature and lengthy, allowing for an uninterrupted meditative and relaxational experience. Take a journey of the mind and spirit...a journey into samsara...bliss.

Total Time: 61:54

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Mist Upon The Lake

Mist Upon the Lake is a single, uninterrupted, minimalistic composition for the purpose of focusing and calming the mind, relaxing the body in times of stress, and providing a meditative experience for the spirit. In the traditional sense, the composition is not music as one may be accustomed, but instead, sound and vibration that encourages balance. Your body will love you for it, your soul will rejoice, and your mind will revel in quiet surrender and peaceful contentment. No distractions, no noise, no mindless chatter...just a soothing, relaxing, meditative sound.

Total Time: 62:02

Available soon for download
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Mist Upon The Lake CD

SCM Sampler 1 CD

Sampler I

This is a sampler from Soul Catcher Music containing some of our favorite and most beautiful selections from prior CD releases. This 30-minute CD is a variety pack intended to provide the listener with a cross-section of listening enjoyment at a reasonable price. A little bit can go a long way.

Total Time: 29:08

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Reviews & Testimonials

Reviews for Soul Catcher

Soul Catcher, a 2000 release by Gregory is as timeless as the message. This music moves to the front of your consciousness. Gregory expertly blends ancient rhythms with tasteful synthesized sounds, creating both relaxation and rejuvenation.

You are led on a special journey as you listen to Gregory's music. Starting with the awakening of your soul with a shaman by your side, you travel through time to the final transformation.

Cry Me To Sleep was one particular track that shifted my energy from a sweet sadness to a smooth joy. Gregory moves from one tract to the next, much like an elegant dinner moves from course to course. You can almost expect what is coming up next, yet still savor the individual flavors. There are no unpleasant surprises on this CD, but a comfortable slection of soul inspiring music.

Nicely mixed and mastered, Soul Catcher is an easy addition to anyone's spiritually inspired collection.

- Sky Warnke, Music Reviewer for Equinaut, Colorado Springs, CO (September, 2002) -

Thank you so much for perfectly wonderful Soul Catcher! It is beautiful and delightful music, engrossing music from the first bars. Thank you for the exceptional chance to touch your creation. Thank you for your magic, for peace of your heart, contained in your music. Very best wishes from Siberia.

- Serge Tikhanoff, Host of Radio Penguin, Siberia, Russia (December 13, 2001) -

On Soul Catcher, his debut recording, Gregory has created an audible landscape in which the listener is invited to spiritually explore. Beneath the electronic melodies emerges a Native American essence, primarily through percussive color. This inspirational CD serves well as a centering point in meditation. While they remain introspective, the compositions herein are anything but dull and lifeless, an oft too common problem in new age or ambient music.

- Paula Kirman, Inside World Music (January 9, 2001) -

"Come take the journey
and allow Soul Catcher to capture your Native Heart."

The above statement aptly describes the "cellular" feel to this debut collection of beautifully recorded electronic and acoustic instrumental compositions. Soul Catcher by Gregory offers to the listener a uniquely personal journey of self-discovery. The music can open you to a deeply spiritual cultural past. Soul Catcher is an excellent album for inner world meditation--"don't forget to invite your power animals."

- Anne Thiel, Mountain Luminary (Winter 2000-01), Mountain View, AZ, USA -

From the opening notes of the title track to Transformation, its infinite conclusion - Soul Catcher captures the imagination, heart and spirit with its thoughtful movements. Composed, performed, produced and engineered by Gregory each piece is a journey unto itself combined with that unique ability only the best composers possess making an overall complete musical statement. An inspiring listen to say the least.

- Teresa Conboy Public Relations, Los Angeles, California, USA -

I have really enjoyed your music and featured your CD on Planet Waves last Sunday night...I really like your mix of music - it's a well-balanced combination of styles and everything works so well together. Thanks again for sending your CD - I hope you're planning on creating another one!

- Susan Dunman, host of Planet Waves, WKMS, Murray, KY, USA -

Your music captures the essence that has recently been missing from the recent efforts by many talented musicians. It harkens back to the perfect merging of acoustic and electronic music that the early pioneers experimented with... Congratulations, you should be very proud. It will debut in my top 20 NAV report for the month of May and I suspect will spend a good amount of time there.

- Chito Gebhart, host of Morning Breeze, KSBR, Mission Viejo, CA, USA -'s very in-depth, as though I'm somewhere else. In fact as soon as I heard it I knew I would be using it on a program...

- Dave Butler, host of Innervisions, WRNZ, Lancaster, KY, USA -

Absolutely lovely music. "Inti" brought back a lot of memories, thanks!

- Gerardo Perez, Colorado, USA -

Reviews for Angel Hair

When vending at fairs I frequently get random compliments when folks stop by and listen at the listening stations. On this day in Manitou Springs, Colorado, a group of small children were gathered around listening to the CDs. One child in particular who I will call Sarah, though I do not know her real name, was listening to the track "Baby Sleeping". I will guess her age to be around five. When it was time to go, she placed the headphones down and her mother asked if she liked the music. Sarah's response in her small shy voice said, "It's beautiful", and then a pause... then she says, "the angels are saying something." Her mother, quite surprised by the thought from her child, knelt down and asked Sarah, "What do you think they're saying?" .... and Sarah says in her small shy voice, "I don't know, I don't speak angel." There are some things you just can't make up, even if you tried, and only from children come the simplest truths. Makes perfect sense to me.... I don't speak Angel either.

Gregory - (June, 2003) -

I received [Angel Hair] Monday and had a chance to listen to the title track, played it Wednesday and received several calls. You have created a wonderful new sound deserving of all the airplay possible.

- Flying Man, WAWL, Chattanooga, TN (October, 2001) -

You are so blessed to be able to create such beautiful music, and the mixing and the total sound is heavenly! I'm so glad I met you and got to know your music. I intend to tell others.

- Liliane St. Clair, Pueblo, CO (December, 2001) -

Angel Hair has Gregory's original compositions, Baby Sleeping, Angel Hair and Slumber. As the titles suggest they are soothing, relaxing, quiet and gentle. The selections are lengthy for uninterrupted meditation, daydreaming or to help infants and children relax into slumber. Gregory does a melodic improvisation over the well known canonic bass line that defines the Pachelbel Canon in D. Pachebel's Daydream is unique and beautiful assistance into deep contemplation. Angel Hair will make an excellent gift for anyone who needs gentel relaxation in their lives.

- Anne Thiel, Mountain Luminary (Winter, 2001-02) -

Reviews for Tara

Finally sat down and listened to "Tara"...and listened and listened and listened...can't seem to get it out of my CD Player! Outstanding work! I love the pairing of the (almost) tribal rhythms with the deep space tones...Perfect for my show and I can't wait until Sunday to begin sharing it with my listeners...

- Ken Harris, WVKR, Walden, NY (September, 2002) -

You have done it again! "The WALL" is charting TARA at #14 NAV in July.

- Flying Man, WAWL, Chattanooga, TN (July, 2002) -

Review at Wind and Wire

The album Tara by new age/ambient artist Gregory is a solid selection of five long cuts (minimum of nearly nine minutes long and three tracks are over twelve minutes) that span various musical terrains. All of this music is well-performed and the length of each track allows the listener to delve deep into the consistent "dreaminess" of each song. And make no mistake about it - each cut on Tara is conducive to a sense of drifting and introspection (to varying degrees, since earlier cuts are more "musical"). I donıt know if all of the music on the CD was produced electronically, or if some of the percussion is acoustic, but the keyboards consistently sound great - professionally recorded and mixed and with good quality tones and instrumentality.

"Samsara" opens Tara with a distinct pan-Indian/Middle Eastern feel, as circular repeating bell tones flit above tabla percussion and keyboards, accompanied by a subtle underlying drone. The cut has a mystical sound to it that bears some resemblance to Al Gromer Khan's music, but this track is less ambient and more new agey in texture than the German artistıs work. The title song (next up) is even more world fusion oriented, with a tamboura drone, hand drums, and several swirling whistling synths as well as a unique sitar-sounding keyboard sound. Itıs "like" a sitar, but not, and the free-form series of notes that Gregory plays really grew on me - the juxtaposition of an improvised "melody" played against drones and world percussion was intoxicating at times. The high-pitched reed-like synth that comes into play later brings a swaying and romantic sensuality to the music.

Ambient fans will enjoy "Akasa" which reminded me a lot of Robyn Miller's soundtrack to the computer game Riven, owing to the same underlying whistling tone that Miller used throughout his recording. But where Millerıs tracks are all very short (too short, sometimes) here Gregory allows the ambience to stretch out over fifteen-plus minutes. Bubbling sound effects and mild dark textures flesh out the track nicely. Whistling synths later in the song introduce yet another element, imparting a sense of outer space to the music. "Arupa" and "Go Quietly" close out this recommendable electronic music album. The former is minimal ambient music, with warm drones and washes, as well as some synth choruses here and there. Itıs the most sparse cut on the album. "Go Quietly" opens with wolf calls, thunder, and yet the music is more rooted in ambient soundscapes than new age, with subtle (barely-heard) hand drums, drones, and keyboards. The drones are warmer here than on the previous track, yet the relative lack of melody might turn off new age music fans, although I liked the just enough sense of warmth.

While I enjoyed the first three cuts more than the last two, I admire how Gregory has tried to bridge two separate genres on one CD. That he has succeeded to the degree he did is testatment to his musical talent and his ambition. Hopefully, this dichotomy will not turn off fans of both genres, but instead unite them in their appreciation for this fine CD.

- Bill Binkelman, Wind and Wire (December 2002) -